Class Attire

Tank tops, T-shirts, and yoga/exercise pants or gauchos. Coin belt/hip scarf HIGHLY recommended. I also recommend doing this class in bare feet or socks, as athletic shoes may impede execution of footwork. Having a bare midriff in class is **NOT** a requirement (although you are certainly allowed to, if you want to see the moves in their entirety).



Every first week, after the warmup, the class will be dedicated to breaking down the body isolations step by step for proper technique, so you get the most fitness bang for your buck. Feel free to ask questions! The rest of the weeks will follow a more standard aerobic class format, where the moves are performed continuously. And some weeks, you may get a surprise -- learning a full bellydance routine!

what IS
class times
attire & format
about the instructor
1-on-1 instruction
bellydance myths debunked
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