Music Used In the Class

After hearing it in my teacher's class, I went to Amazon, went to the popular music section, and typed in "bellydance", "middle eastern world", "Turkish music", "Egyptian music", etc. You'd be surprised at how many "Arabic techno" "Middle eastern clubbing" and "techno bellydance" sub-genres are out there. :)

Albums I pulled music from for my classes:

Bellydance Superstars Vol. 1

Bellydance Superstars Vol. 3
(I believe there are currently 4 in the series)

(for that camel / "body snake" exercise!)

Desert Roses & Arabian Rhythms
(4 in the series)

Bellydance Overdrive
(part of the Turbo Tabla series)

Have fun browsing Amazon! Usually once you pull one album up, they give recommendations and albums that are similar.


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