A Word to the Gentlemen

Dear Gentlemen,
To those I have invited to participate in my class, I have received reactions of varying intensity, but invariably in the following order: 1) surprise; 2) a quick evaluation of one's own belly (optional), and 3) "Me. Bellydance? My masculinity will be suspect if I joined a class. I'll look stupid trying to keep up. Especially in a room filled with 35 women all shaking their midsection thang. What do I know about bellydancing? Not a bleeping thing. All those women are going to be laughing at me once they hit the locker room, anyway."

Let me tell you guys something. As a metal musician, I ROUTINELY walk into music venues and/or those warehouse-like band practice spaces where I am the ONLY woman among 20-100 sweaty, grunting, axe-wielding, drum-bashing heavy metal and rock musicians of all ages, shapes, colors and sizes. Was I intimidated when I started auditioning as a singer for these bands? Heck yes. I certainly know what it's like to walk into a room where I know in a few minutes I'll be laying my voice and musicianship -- the part of myself I most identify with -- out there to be potentially laughed at, because howling and growling into a microphone to the sound of distorted guitars just isn't what women do, right? Well, this woman does. I found out over time I didn't need to prove anything. I just had to be myself, work at my craft, and above all, have fun with it. All the guys I have worked with have been nothing but awesome, supportive, "cool", and shown nothing but camaraderie, respect and encouragement. So, bottom line - like you, I know exactly what it's like to be in a gender-bender environment. I don't think there's been anyone who looks at me for being less "female", "feminine," etc. for doing what I do. In fact, it's been a very positive experience because I get a rare glimpse into one side of your world and can come away a better understanding of what makes you men "tick." With that said, I once again invite you to take my aerobic bellydancing class. I won't laugh at you for doing so. The ladies in the room will not laugh at you. (If they do they'll have to answer to me. No one should feel uncomfortable in my class!) We will treat you with respect and admiration of your courage to cross the stereotype barrier. Bring buddies. And I promise you will get a workout like no other.

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